Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Coming soon to Anytown, USA

Oct 05, 2011 09:22

First there were drones in Pakistan and I said nothing because I wasn't Pakistani. Then there were drones in Yemen and I said nothing because I wasn't Yemeni. Now there are drones in the US and everyone is afraid to speak.

Now let’s bring all the pieces together.

1) Drone strikes against US citizens branded “terrorists” are ok.
2) Collateral Damage of US citizens during Drone strikes is ok.
3) The definition of “combatant” has drifted to include inciteful speech.
4) The definition of “terrorist” has drifted to include crimes of dissent.
5) Drones are being programed to detect dissent.
6) Domestic police will soon be using unmanned aerial vehicles.
7) Military technology trickles down to local law enforcement.

Are you seeing the pattern yet?Read More 
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