I am so ready to put my fist through this pc. We have cleared every single programme off it in an effort to bluff the data card into connecting and going faster.
It didn’t work.
I have decided I wouldn’t survive very well on a desert island because I truly miss modern technology. Some stuff I can get by without but right now what I wouldn’t do just to pick up a phone LOL and hear a dial tone. I have talked to my girls once since leaving Florida on a stupid throwaway cell phone thing and that was months ago. Considering we used to talk every single day it's just one more black spot on the stupid mistake I made coming back here.
As much as I hate driving I feel real sorry for the littles being stuck in the house. Oh they have the play park in the village and the beach but that grew old very fast. We have succumbed to jigsaw puzzles. The incredible hulk of all things ~rme~
I spent most of this weekend deep in thought and set myself a list of decisions to make, resolve and put into effect.
At 5am this morning I scratched off the last one so today I will take the biggest step of my life and make decisions not based on my own selfishness. Being a good mother is doing what is best for your children. The best not always being what I want. I will however be making dammed sure that my reasons are well documented with the relevant people.
It’s so cloudy today. I am surprised I even have a connection. Might be a different story however when I try to post this. I have 3 full lines of washing hanging outside looking wetter then it was when I put it out which means if the sun does grace us with it’s presence it’s going to be hard and horrible when it eventually dries and the boys HATE crusty socks, as they have named them.
I think I am going to fill my mug with tea and go sit up at the cove for a wee while. See if it can clear some of these dammed cobwebs out of my head.