I have tea bags LOL you would think I had won the lottery!! Not just a pack of tea bags but 1600 of the dammed things, so many in fact that Cameron reckons I could bathe in them.
Oh the simplicity of life….. tea bags, fresh milk and a fridge full of yummy fresh fish and meat AND hehehe scuse meeeeeeeeeee a bottle of Pinot Grigio ~smirkles~ which once I have finished clearing up and getting dinner started, (grilled lemon sole no less) I will be sinking into a hot bath and sipping on some ice cold Pinot. Now who said I was high maintenance, hmm??
Now all I have to focus on (pardon the pun) is getting some contacts so I don’t have to have the littles check my spelling!! Then I will be deliriously happy and can chuck these oh so un glamorous reading specs in the trash where they belong!!