(no subject)

Oct 03, 2005 23:36

Here's the wordy titles meme (from azureskies) for your delectation. I cheated a bit by shuffling 20 at random then selecting 10, otherwise you would have got songs by bands such as Spookey Ruben and Pohoda, as well as Track 6 from Michael Moore's audiobook.

1. It's the current capital of Turkey, as opposed to that city's former name.
2. It's dark, and I should go to the pub, or perhaps the off-license.
3. This man is envious.
4. The cuboidal container belonging to Adrian Mole's girlfriend.
5. In a queue, perhaps.
6. Cranberry juice that you might find in the Pacific.
7. I'm not going to be John Lennon's wife and in addition belong to you.
8. I am not interested in your question.
9. The constitutional right to bear arms (US).
10. Were AM and FM, flavoured by orchid, as is ice cream.
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