I have always said it and now Grey's has TOTALLY PROVEN ME RIGHT. IN CANON.
Witness, if you please, Meredith and Cristina making THE BEST LITTLE OLD CAT LADIES IN LOVE EVER.
Personally, I am taking both Meredith's dream and Cristina's vision as PROPHETIC. As in, hell no, Mer/Der are not going to work out, and Meredith/Cristina will live happily ever after together.
Oh, show. You keep trying to sell me on all these boys AND IT WILL NEVER EVER WORK. Cristina and Meredith are too perfect together. They KNOW EACH OTHER. Darkly. (Hee!) They are each other's PERSONS. Boys will come and go but they will always need each other more. *snuggles them*
Okay, so mostly the episode was about Cristina and Meredith being SOULMATES. But I guess some other stuff happened, too.
Like Izzie's hair: SO CUTE.
And Callie and Hahn: EVEN CUTER. (Although WNGWJLEO? Please. Hahn, at least, is totally lying. On the other hand, they're virgins together and it's adorable. I could go either way.)
Lexie: I'm never going to not love her. Even if she is totally going to hook up with Sloane.
Meredith being concerned about the size of Derek's hair product collection: AHAHAHAHAHA. I loled. Will possibly never stop lolling.
Oh Derek. You think you're such a good guy and that it's the women in your life who have the problem. And then you screw over some poor woman and make her change jobs. AND THEN ROSE STABBED HIM AND IT WAS AWESOME. *lols some more*
Hee. Nothing makes me capslock like Grey's.