Dear Yuletide Writer Letter

Dec 25, 2011 23:59

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Thank you for writing for me!

For me, this is basically the Official Yuletide of Amy Poehler and Tina Fey Are Amazing. I didn't even mean it to be, but when I sat down to think about what I might like to request this year, this happened, and I was like 'yay theme!' It is a good theme.

Now, Optional Details are, of course, Optional! So feel free to ignore all of what is said here and, by all means, write what you want to write.

Here are my requests:

Baby Mama - Kate Holbrook/Angie Ostrowiski
Request: I would like the AU story where Kate and Angie raise their babies together and fall in love and have a ton of kinky sex and are happy together forever. Or some variation on that theme, please. All the love and babies and kinky sex and basically Tina Fey and Amy Poehler BFF amazingness that you feel inclined to pack into one story, that would be great.

Extra Notes:
This movie wins on so many levels. It's basically a giant love letter to the friendship and chemistry and comedic genius of Tina and Amy and, god I don't know, it's just so freaking adorable? How Kate and Angie bicker and become besties and make babies and have endearingly earnest courtroom scenes and leeearn from each other? SO GREAT.

I will confess I sometimes forget that they don't actually end up together at the end. I just kind of assume that Kate drops that guy (do not even know his name) and Angie moves back in and nannies their two kids in between attending design school and suddenly they're making out on the sofa after the babies are asleep and Angie is showing Kate how to REALLY use that detachable shower head because she thinks it's only for washing your back? And it's not that weird because they are SOULMATES WHO BELONG TOGETHER and therefore doing it in the shower is fine and dandy?

Anyway. So I have feelings about this ship! But er, if you are more inclined to write something more in the realm of gen (as opposed to SOULMATES FOREVER) that would be cool, too. The movie is about this friendship that develops between these two women, and it's hilarious and wonderful and awesome, so if you want to write more of that, I am ALL FOR IT.

30 Rock - Liz Lemon/Wesley Snipes
Request: I would like, basically, anything involving Liz and Wesley having a marriage of convenience, or reluctantly dating, or just having random, fate-driven encounters, all while irritating and disliking each other and maybe having awkward sex that turns out not-so-bad-after-all and somehow, inconceivably, in spite of everything, falling in love? Any or all of that, please, because this is the 30 Rock pairing of my heart and they crack me up SO MUCH that anything you do with them, I will love and adore.

Extra Notes:
LOOOOL this pairing. It's hilarious and I love it. It's really the only thing I've ever shipped for this show. (I mean I ship Jack/Liz in a kind of BFF-iest of all BFFs kind of way, but who doesn't?) And I'm still holding out hope that Liz/Wesley is endgame, somehow. Or at least that Wesley will return to the show at some point and it will be an amazing display of painfully awkward I-HATE-YOU-SO-MUCH-STOP-BEING-MY-SOULMATE shenanigans.

I basically have the same feelings about any fic you might like to write, Dear Writer. Anywhere between SETTLING SOULMATES ENDGAME to just, like, putting them in a room together (hell, they don't even have to be in the same room. THEY COULD SKYPE.) and I will be happy. Them with their faces and their mutual disdain is all I need.

Some random ideas - embarrassingly awful tipsy sex! Pretending to be a couple for some extremely contrived reason! Getting trapped in an elevator! Surprise pregnancy after one regrettable night together! Visiting Wesley's weird British relatives in England! Marriage of convenience that kind of turns out okay to the astonishment of all involved!

(Basically this pairing lends itself well to tropes, so feel free to go nuts with that, if you feel so inclined.)

Saturday Night Live - Sally Needler/Dan Needler
Request: I would like anything that expands on their history of being the worst couple in history, like why they kept getting back together after breaking up all those times in college, or why Dan proposed, or that time they met on the steps/in the cafeteria. Or I would like to see what happens if they manage to have a baby. Or if there is ever a time they aren't horrible to each other. Or anything with epic hate-sex. Or just something resembling one of the sketches. Anything, funny or serious, exploring the amazing dysfunction of them, please!

Extra Notes:
I have been watching a LOT of old SNL episodes this year. Mainly to feed my love of Amy Poehler, and Amy/Tina, and then also Amy/Seth Meyers, and just like Amy/EVERYTHING. And the Needlers sketches really stood out for me and I kind of totally shipped it despite, you know, THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE NEEDLERS. And then I read this one short ficlet I found at nbckink, ( here, if you're interested) which I'm pretty sure is the one and only Needlers fic in the entire internets, and I was completely hooked.

I've kind of always had a thing for dysfunctional couples, and the whole point of them is that they are the MOST dysfunctional. And it's all meant to be funny, of course, but I think it's interesting, too, how they aren't divorced, and it doesn't even seem to be an option for them. They've sort of been 'it' for each other since they met. AND SO I DESPERATELY SHIP THEM. A LOT. And I would like, truly, ANYTHING you want to write about them. You could do a serious treatment of them and their relationship, or the opposite of that. Just them having loud, angry sex somewhere extremely inappropriate would be awesome, or tell me what they argued about on their wedding day (or what they will be arguing about at their fiftieth wedding anniversary party). ANYTHING.



If you are not familiar with the Needlers sketches, having just wandered in here off the streets or something, here is a link to a crappy file I made (with windows movie maker, the extent of my vid-making abilities) of the four awesome Needler sketches for you to watch and enjoy and write fic about, you know, just in case you are interested.

hxxp:// This link has been pulled by the site, but if anyone ever wants this file, let me know and I'll re-upload it.

General Notes:

This letter is long enough already, so I will keep this brief. In general, I like women, and women characters, and their friendships and relationships. I like Amy and Tina and various characters they portray! I like femslash and gen and het. I like all kinds of stories and genres. There are a lot of OMG SOULMATES type comments in my notes above, but don't feel tied to a super-shiny-happy ending, if that's not your thing. Fluff or angst, AUs, general absurdity, apocafic or whatever is fine with me. I can take or leave graphic sex scenes - if you want to write porn, great. If not, also great. (Though I would prefer not total PWP - sex scenes that tell us things about the characters are nice!) I like dialogue. I have an aversion to pages and pages of introspection.

I'm an atheist who does Christmas with family/friends as a cultural thing - feel free to include it, or any other holidays, or not, as you like.

I would definitely prefer NO noncon/rape/abuse of any kind, for any reason.

Ok I think that's it. Thank you again, Yuletide Writer! Thank you for writing for me, and thank you for reading this long-ass letter. I can't wait to read your story, and I hope you enjoy writing for me.

yuletide, exchange letters

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