May 19, 2009 18:47


Eesh, you would never get me to jump that in a million years. I might think about doing it, in some sick, masochistic way, but my survival instinct is strong and basically there is no way I wouldn't fall to my death if I did that.

But aw, my BROTP! How adorable was that? Because it's gross when someone likes you. But when someone doesn't like you it makes you want to marry them. Hee. *hearts them* Making out is so much easier than talking about feelings, yes.

I'm glad they got the reveal to Robin out of the way, and didn't make it this huge angst-ridden thing. This way it was just like death by cute and I totally approve of that. *squishes brotp*

OH AND THE GOAT. More importantly, MURDER TRAIN. Heeeee. I cannot say how much I love the mileage they've gotten out of that song. The goat thing was silly and not nearly as epic as they built it up to be, but MURDER TRAIN made it work.

Also, the mother is in Ted's class. Erm. Does this mean the show till now hasn't been so much 'how I met your mother' as 'how I came to be a teacher'? Whatever. BROTP.

blah blah himym

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