Jun 04, 2005 22:56
today , wake up at 7am , went go kart track,S.Alam with dad n bro.they have endurance for 2 hours..i should have brush up my skill and be apart of d team.nevermind..so , had breakfast n waited there for 2 hours b4 it starts.it was raining earlier , so imagine d coldness...sejuksssss.there was a long briefing , so thought bout GorGeouS keeping me company.
woke him up..and just b4 d event getting started , GorGeous Arrived , yey!!!bro starts fisrt , so its very interesting watchin ur own bro performing excellently on d track.we watched from d 2nd floor , what a clear view , only d previleged can get access , huhuhu..just kiddin , no such thing...any1 can get up there ;)
GorGeouS was so noisy..y d karts r skiddinglah...y d karts dont change d tireslah...he should race 1 day...
than after bro and dad raced , GorGeous went home as his family is here , in S.Alam..than everything finished around 2pm.bro n dad's team won number 2.if not for d over sensitive lap transmitor , n all confusion arose , dad n bro will be at first place...huhuhuuu..but dad's cool with it cause he says as long as we know where we stand , no.5 pun xpe...cool dude..
than we had lunch at burger king ,went home and met GorGeouS at 4pm .study with him n acap , a classmate..acap slept through d day cause he's not well.i slept for 10mins cause im simply tired.study..study..and study than went for a drink n accompanying GorGeous having his dinner.
went back home 4 dinner with family n end up eating d same thing as GorGeouS had but at different places..huhuhuuu...so, i should be studying now..cause ill have an early rise esok...
so , today was a balance of family and GorGeouS...yey!!!