Dream 1. Genre -
The next Bond movie. Action takes place in Poland, from the opening chase sequence on Zakopianka (a deadly road leading from the Tatra Mountains to Cracow), through Cracow, with a final showdown in the secret dungeons of Warsaw Royal Palace. Said dungeons are simultaneously a heart of heroine smuggling net and a luxurious spa resort/bath-house lit in a mysteriuos blue-green underwater light. Great fight scenes. ;-)
Dream 2. Genre -
Just as high above the seabed as deep below the surface, there sails the shipwreck. Its crew and its passengers are zombies. They retained some awareness, but it seems to fluctuate in a weekly cycle. When they, erm, bite someone (may be one of them) and swallow the bitten piece (it'll regrow, don't worry), they get closer to their previous mental abilities they had when they were alive. The sad thing is that their full abilities last for about 2-3 days and then slowly dwindle to the level more often associated with zombies - the mindless stumbling dummies. If they don't bite anyone, they'll degenerate into decaying dead matter in a week. The problem is that they care for other people, they still have their conscience and they want to get rid of this curse.
The sea is inhabited by other thinking races - mermen, sea elves and, strangely, sea dwarves. They reluctantly accept the zombie crew, but clearly find them disgusting and stupid (no matter which day of the week cycle it is).
The main plot is the search for the cure, while overcoming the social (Sea Council, hostile merpeople) and magical obstacles. There's - of course - a love story thrown in. Yep, it's between two zombies.
Sadly, I don't know the conclusion, thanks to the alarm clock. :-/
Dream 3. Genre:
Discworld facing the end of the world. Done with a meteorite, big explosions, great flood and a subsequent tsunami. Guest appearances: Ankh-Morpork City Watch, Sybil Ramkin-Vimes, aaaaand as a main protagonist Rincewind the Wizzzard in love, searching for his beloved on a swimming Luggage.
Dear subconsciousness,
Honestly, what's up with your water obsession?
Yours truly,
the conscious one - Ija