Title: Hold Me, Still.
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts.
Characters: Kairi/Riku.
Word Count: 243.
Rating: G.
Author's Notes: Request thread
here. I took the line 'and your heart is too weak to wear on your sleeve,' from the above-mentioned song and wrote the first thing that came to mind, which was that Kairi's heart is stronger than Riku's. Gee, 'Nisha, I hope you like it. :D
Kairi, (she stands at the edge of the ocean, feels the slight push and pull of the sea tickle at her ankles) it's never ever been her; the one who's traversed across world after world, the one who's fought heartless with teeth and blade, the one who's waded through light and darkness and maybe nothingness too; she's always here, waiting, holding onto that small thread of hope when her memories are gone oh no and maybe things are hopeless.
It's always like that, see-the world stands unresolved and she's got nothing to do.
Riku, (he comes up behind her and takes her hand, breathing calm and steady and mature and that's just how it is) maybe he has everything, maybe he hasn't; she's never sure, but he's the one who's saved the universe, he's the one who's conquered everything including his fears; but she's the one who feels the slight warmth of his breath against her earlobe, she's the one who hears him say: "you've got the strongest heart out of all of us."
And it's like she's stopped breathing because she stumbles and falls. Her hand dips, grasps at salt, but he lifts her up, hugs her flush against him, kisses her so passionately and so quickly and all she tastes is the bitter aftermath of confusion. She doesn't pull away. There's something within her that says he needs this, Riku needs this something from her, and she's teetering on the edge of awe-