0n thE way d0wN

Aug 24, 2004 20:07

went t0 the beach sat. nite, stayd w/ my aunt + uncle + c0usin, hMm we b0th g0t gr0unded f0r fighting w/ each 0ther, nick was there =[ i was so0o glad t0 see him ! um n0t. hung 0ut 0n the beach, went sh0pping, left early t0day cause there were pipe b0mbs in the next neighb0rh0od nd the c0ps t0ld us to leave, kinda weird yet n0t scary t0 me f0r s0me reas0n i mean ya g0t the w0rld trade centers, the capital, nd the 0lypmics t0 b0mb, why b0mb the neighb0rho0d next t0 us ? po0l t0m0rrow maybe if i can get the madre t0 let me t0 g0.
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