Aug 14, 2004 17:04
hoe much am i adoring big brother 5. i even have the live feed. if that doesnt scream addicted then what does. honestly. so we go to shari's alot. and only to see steve. haha. only to find out that he is gay. whyyyyyyy!!!!! how come the adorable, awesome, caring, funny ones have to be gay! this sucks. but hey. what ever floats his boat.
me and anna and my mom went to dinner the other night. that went well. i really am trying to get a job as an apartment manager. need to get out of here! im soooo tried of living with my parents! they are getting overly annoying.
my mom stayed home for two weeks! didnt work, didnt do anything but plan my party. yes i am thankful for the party. but she didnt do ONE OUNCE OF HOUSEWORK, UNTIL THE 2ND WEEK! and she has the NERVE to call me lazy!?!?! the dishes were stacked up. the living room was barley walkable. it was DISGUSTING. i worked 40 hours both weeks. and she has the NERVE to call me lazy! WTF is that about! im pissed!
then she tells me i have to pay rent starting jan 1st. fine. whatever. thats fine. if you want me to move out. just ask me to. damnit. dont beat around the bush. its frickin stupid. my dad is retarded. my mom is irritating. i need my own place. me and anna have plans on moving out together if possible! that would be soooooooooooooooooo nice! i would be in love with that!
i just hope that me and anna would survive te rooming together. i know that me and megan didnt. and me and michelle didnt. so hopefully me and anna would be different!
work is good. im still in lust with Taylor! yummy boy! yummy yummy boy! he is still awesome. and the only person in the whole store that is comptant (sp). im tellin ya!! sexy and reliable! the best match! i want him! lust is bad! im bad!
gotta go clean the room!
later children.