Personal Theory

Oct 15, 2009 20:46

My personal philosophy has always been when life gets hard, you work harder. You work harder, you get smarter and you damn sure drive further. No point arguing or whining because everyone else is dealing with their own version of hard so you put your head down and you just move your ass.

Eventually you get to the other side, because there is always the Other Side.

In fact that’s lesson Numero UNO in life, there is always the Other Side. In every myth, legend, TV, popular media, fairy tale, religion..what have you, there is always the Other Side. I think it’s actually hard wired into us at a genetic level this crazy unshakable faith of the Other Side. There is no guarantee the Other Side is any better, in fact the Other Side may suck all kinds of ass. But the point of the Other Side is it’s a different kind of shitty then the shitty you just went through, in fact I am fairly positive the promise of that Other Side is what kept humanity alive and kicking after the evolution of puberty.

Because let’s face it (yes I just started a sentence AND a paragraph with because)  BECAUSE sometimes that change of pace makes all the difference in the world and if it’s a worse shitty you know you can always employ your arsenal of diversionary tactics to mentally get through the shit because it’s a NEW shit, and therefore bearable. Sometimes you may actually get lucky and it’s a better shit on the Other Side then you expected. I have even heard that on the rare occasion what lies on the Other Side is not shit at ALL and in fact fairly awesome, though I still think that is a myth, like the 10 minute orgasms or Thylacinidaes.

If the promise of never having to go through that exact brand of shitty is not bonus enough for you then think about the fact that every time you drag your sorry ass through the various pools and mountains of shitty you actually get smarter. Oh that’s right my friend, all kinds of memory cells from your encyclopedia’esc brain on down to muscle memory store up the various experiences you had to endure to get through the shitty. Barring the kind of shitty that causes brain damage or loss of a limb you’re actually climbing out of the situation that much better, with improved world knowledge and self awareness.

So if your hanging with the theory here you have the following facts, Life is hard, you get through the hard with a bigger brain and then you have the Other Side which takes you  back to Life is hard. Fairly straightforward and simple yes?

Here is my question, what if you come out the other side and realize you would kind of rather go back to the previous shitty, the before Other Side shitty?

As it turns out this whole self aware thing is not really working for you. You get through a couple layers of shitty and all of a sudden you’re not able to enjoy the diversionary tactics you employed pre Other Side. You find yourself facing a new oasis of shitty and discover you are too self aware to distract yourself from  the shittyness with any form of success. So not only are you going to slog through all of this SHIT but now you have to do it fully aware and present the entire time? Worse you can’t employ other people’s methods of dealing with the shit, like drinking heavily, meaningless sex or sedating yourself to the gills. Why? Because by now you’re a couple of layers shit smarter than them and know damn well THAT won’t work and you will just end up STUCK in this particular shit for longer than necessary. What’s even worse if you get stuck in this brand of shit then how do you know your next Other Side of shit is not full of orgasms and crazy Marsupial predators? YOU DON’T DO YOU.

I would finish this theory but this particular brand of shit I am traipsing through requires ass loads of sleep and god knows I won’t reach my holy grail of Other Side if I don’t get through this one.

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