Feb 23, 2005 10:57
hey there guys! well...I'm kinda sad and happy at the same time! yesterday, dezzi showed me a picture that she had taken on paul and I and I begged it for her because I dont really have any pictures of us...so I got it...when I got to my dads shop, I pulled it out of my binder and stuck it on a piece of paper so I wouldn't lose it...then I decided to color around it and I ended up dooldleing the whole "I heart paulii" thing and then I felt really stupid! anywho...I've decided to get compleatly over everyone who has ever hurt me except for cory (whom I will never stop loving)...so if I talk about loving steven...SHOOT ME! and I do like paul and everything...I want to make out with him so bad...but I am going to find (or let him find me) a great guy that I can have to call mine! I think that kreston is really cute! and if things don't work out with him and I...then I am going to start talking to neil...anywho...I have to go...love ya guys!