h a p p y F R I D A Y !
weeks nowadays always seem so long !
heheh it wasnt anyone's birthday but...
i made this in my foods class for our cake decorating project ~ ! i've never decorated a cake before so it was really fun x3
i originally planned to make this a birthday cake for miuchan (since it had to have writing on it and i didnt know what else to write. now that i think about it, i wish i had put "Eat me." on it instead ! like an alice in wonderland cake since the colors look alice-in-wonderland-like ! :O) and then post it on april 5th, but then it ended up looking really girly and i didnt want to degrade haruma with such a girly cake !
anyway, it there had to be at least 3 roses on the cake too, so i had to put roses on it; mine always gets messed up during the transfer from the rose nail (where you make the roses) to the cake ! D: the one in the middle was supposed to be in the middle but then it fell off in the side...
hahah i realize that im rambling about my cake xD sorry ! (>o<)/
but yeah, everything was made from scratch, so it took a really long time ! @__@ i dont think i would actually go and make one for fun !
by the way, since we're on the topic of school anyway,
badminton conditioning has been getting better ~! ^ ^ im getting really fit ! hahah p(^o^)q so conditioning isnt quite as hard as it was before~ we've also started fundraising for our badminton uniforms, which are really cute ~ hahah i think i'll be able to wear the jacket usually too; its really sporty and the design and fabric is nice ^ ^ (our coach showed us samples so that we could get our sizes on the order form)
Oh Oh ! and also, i know im a bit late, but, congratulations harurukun for all the awards he has won for his work last year
yeyyy ~ ! (and look ! its the girl from Kami no Shizuku ! :D) haruma looks so handsome !
im so happy about all the awards he got ~ ! he deserves each and every one of them ne ! ^ ^
and here's a video from the Erandorl (?) Prize ceremony from
miura_haruma if you havent watched it already ~ !
Click to view
loll i'll just copy and paste the comment i made to this video so as to express my exact feelings after watching this video ~ !
" guwaaa~nn ! xD (sound of absolute miura haruma adoration ? hahah)
hes amazing x3
he looked really handsome in that suit and his hair ~ :D
im so happy he got this award !
im also a fan of toda erika so im really happy she got this award also ~~
hahah he definitely has something going on for valentines day hahaha his response was too quick ;3 "
heheh oh and speaking of Kami no Shizuku, im hooked on that drama ! xD i never would have thought i would ever get into a drama about wine, but here i am loll Kame's dramas are always good x] i love how all his dramas explores a different world, if you get what i mean ^ ^ like here its the world of wine, in 1 pound no fukuin it was the world of boxing, in sapuri it was the world of office work, etc hahah but all his characters' personalities are kind of similar too ~
also, isnt kame's face so perfect ? it really is ! :O it looks good in every angle, on tv and in photos ! o_o
oh and just for records sake, here is the
list of dramas im currently watching :D ==> kami no shizuku, triangle, akai ito, voice (i love this one ~ each episode is so touching ! TT__TT), meichan no shitsuji (reminds me of hana kimi, which i didnt like >__<), uta no oniisan, Q.E.D (the chemistry between the leads is cute !)
on sunday, i got my hair cut ! >__<
i was expecting only a trim, but the lady ended up cutting a lot !
siigh.. it took me so long to grow it out to the length that it was before too
lol since i knew i would be cutting my hair that day, i took before and after photos ! =] (though i say that, before i took the picture, i forgot about it and curled my hair D: lol)
its a lot shorter right ? D: or is it just me ? when i went to school on monday, no one seemed to notice and my friends told me it wasnt that much shorter ! o_o in the first picture, my hair goes on for a bit under the range of the picture too and in the second one it ends just right there ! :O guwaa TT__TT i wonder how long it'll take for it to grow out again ? ;__;
sigh but i'll stop complaining now and try to enjoy my new short cut until my hair gets longer ~
i'll go get ideas for cute short styles ~
uwa ! but what a long (ish?) entry ! =D i feel so proud somehow loll
i'll end it here for today !
im off to watch the rest of the new drama episodes that i missed over the week ~ ! \:D/