Sep 08, 2005 17:00
I love my classes.
I love my classmates.
I love my class.
I love my school.
I love EVERYTHING about my senior year.
I have my boy Mauri in this class! Whoot. So I know it'll be a laugh-fest. I also have my friend Jessica's boyfriend Carlos in it. My teacher, Mr. Kwak [i'm totally not kidding. that's the dude's name.] i super super super chill. He and I are going to get along well. HA. As for my classmates? It's gonna be one, fun ride. Almost every boy in my class is funny and loud, so it's gonna be crazy. Plus Kayla, the school's head cheerleader is in there, so she tosses in little witty comments about everyone. SO FUNNY.
Thank God I can change this class already. Almost everyone is a freshman, besides my friends Joey, Sam, Margaret, Aileen and Gabe. DUDE. I wanted to hit Ginang so bad, because she made it look like it was my fault that I was in Tagalog I. EXCUSE ME. I got an A in her class and she takes me back to Tagalog I? GRRRR... but besides that, the freshmen are pretty cool. I was voicing out a lot in the class since I'm the only who's had Ginang already. I'm like an extra in that class. LOL. She just lets me sit there not listen. HAHAHA.
I'll love this class. Everyone's sooo chill. And Bobby's sister, Kathleen is in the class too! AHHAHA. I have an insider. ;] WHOOT. My teacher, Mr. Baca is STRICT. But he's cool. He's been teaching at Gahr for 30 years now and he's been in every department except Math and Science. He was even responsible for making Mr. and Mrs. Moreau meet. :D AWWW... I'm gonna love Drama. So much.
Forensic Science
My teacher looks like the hunter from Jumanji. SERIOUSLY! I mean he even has that handlebar mustache and everything! He's so corny! HAHAH. The class is fun, too. FOR SURE I'LL BE TALKING NONSTOP IN THAT CLASS IN NO TIME. :] Again, everyone's chill. Everyone's mellow. Even the teacher. He was telling us how we were gonna be dealing with GUTS, BLOOD, INSECTS, BONES. Hahaha. I cringed a little, but I'll get over it.
English IV
This is probably the class I will dread the most, only because the teacher has a stick up his you-know-what. He's tough. But I gotta work around it. I gotta work around him because out of all the classes I need to graduate, English and Civics are #1. Without those, I can't graduate. The class is interesting too, a mix of a lot of people I know who don't know each other. HAHA. But yeah. Too many rules for this teacher! But it's OK. He's not bad-looking naman, so I can just look. KIDDING. Gosh.
My teacher's pinoy. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE, I TELL YOU! EVERYWHERE!!! He's pretty strict, too. The second we walk in, he says the first rule. "In this room, you are FORBIDDEN to say FUCK, SHIT, ASS, CRAP and any other cuss word you can think of, in English or any other language you may speak." Talk about being straightforward. HAHA. I love my seat. Too bad he's moving the class...
All in all, I had an AWESOME day. I even got to talk to Bobby, all thanks to one of my bestest friends ever, Jadelin! Whoot.
The new campus is beautiful. It's just soooo pretty! LOL.