Remember how I was going to draw people robots for Christmas?

Mar 15, 2013 00:09

Done, finally.

The work-safe post, with art for caiusmajor, gunmaxual, peacewish, rabbitucker, omorka, dragondancer515, swindleslog, and spacehussy.

The less work-safe post, with art for ultharkitty, swordage, evvj, eerian_sadow, and some tumblr buddies.

I'm really sorry it took me so long. It shouldn't have - I was making good progress, had most of the drawing done well before Christmas and did most of the coloring on the train ride home, but I got stuck on the poses for a couple of the pictures and ended up with a case of art block. Weh. Forced myself to finish those two pictures today and actually like how they came out, although now I'm iffy on some of the ones I was happy with at first. Anyway, here they are.


fanart, transformers

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