Transformers Prime Transcribed 1.1 - Meet the Auto Parts

Nov 18, 2012 12:49

So youtube has this thing where you can have it put captions on the video you're watching.

Act 1. We start with a roll call of important robots:

Diane Sawyer


Chiapas Prime


Ratchet, are you drunk? Goddamn it, get off the road.

And last but not least,

Optimus, still unaware of Diane Sawyer's fate, answers his distress signal and discovers that the West Europeans are up to something:

Meanwhile, on the Nemesis:

Something we've all been wondering.

Act 2. Diane Sawyer's funeral. Optimus gives the best eulogies.

... but Arcee has something to say about his leadership abilities:

We are watching you.

Hide your yarmulkes.

Act 3. And then suddenly humans

That's my MOM, Raf.

That's kind of a personal question, Miko.


Raf's a little slow on the uptake.

Optimus tells the kids a little bit about the Autobots and what they're doing on the planet:

Meanwhile, in space....

The leader of the West Europeans has returned. Shit is about to get real.


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