rockin... aren't I somethin? eugh, yer right... I'm not.
so yeh, weekend is over. whoopty shit. I was a bum all weekend. I think I'm geting sick. I haven't wanted to do anything. ok, so my cats name is October. it was Deme, but I didn't like it so I changed it, obviously. I'm in the library right now. I've been to the office and guidance like 83837589457 times today. I guess I have been going to the wrong gym class, but they said it was okay. ummm and then they had to fix a whole bunch of other crap. I got a new lock in the senior hall today. it's pretty convenient. when I get the chance I am going to put up my pictures of my friends.
blah. I might end up going to lunch soon. I saw my art buddies going in there so I might talk to them about sitting with them. hmm... so yeah, my birthday is in 3 days. woooooo freakin hooooo! well, not really. I don't even really care. I'm not expecting a party or presents or anything. I wish Jesse and I could go up to Ny though. we could stay somewhere, I duno where but not many people would have to know. we'd just hang with friends and realax. I mean I have this coming friday and monday off. I duno... I know we kinda can't but eugh... I'll get off that subject now.
I had so much to say and now I can't remember. hmm... I think the computer clock is wrong, oh wait... it is. heh, it's definately not 10pm.
I miss all you guys! I can't wait for Jesse and I to come back home. I mean, I love my house and the town but the people just aren't the same and I miss the 'Cuse badly. I miss the shows, the dumb scenester people, the damn gutter punks, and just everyone. I even miss working at the damn carousel mall. I had alot of fun at Cindy's.
well that's all for now, I don't have much else to say that I can remember. have fun times kiddos!