Dec 24, 2004 12:47
Nothing is new. Got GTA San Andreas, and that game is fucking brutal to the max!!! Heheheh. Yeah Eddie, Jorge, Lindsay, Susan, and MArrissa came last weekend as well as sara and thea. So that was doooope as fuck. Yee. Ummmmmmm...i still hate this place. I want people to come visit me NOW!!!! hahahah. Yee i dont know. Just waiting to get outta this place.
Went to RUTH CRIS' Steak House last night, and that shit was bomb as fuck!!! First time ive had steak since like three years. BOOOOMB. Last night was also the first time ive had a decent actually a good night with my dad. A fun night. THats cool. Shit i think im getting too mature. Oh well. Fuck it. IM ottra brah.