Jul 07, 2010 03:48
subtlety is overrated. =]
yes. i am breeding. spawning. procreating. reproducing. janis is carrying my demon seed.
to answer the obvious questions - how did this happen? was it planned? is it a good thing? is the world doomed?
... i have no idea. except maybe for that last part.
ok.. see... a while ago, we started talking about the concept of having kids, in a mostly abstract sense, like what would we do if something went wrong and suddenly found ourselves with one on the way. we discovered we didnt really hate the idea. eventually we kinda liked the idea, but agreed we werent really ready. but then we kinda felt like nobody is ever really ready, but they all seem to do it anyway... and somewhere in this meandering indecision, we seem to have made the decision for ourselves.
yes, we're happy about it. also a little freaked out. we arent that freaked out by our own situation, but the timing and complications around us are less than optimal.
check this out:
the plan was to come out here to MD, to an empty house. we could clean the house, free of other people being obstacles, and i could put more effort into magfest, and start up this visual effects stuff i'm trying to get going.
it was a decent plan.
the reality:
my brother, and one of the little sisters, are still living in the house. the place is full. the VFX project is behind schedule, but blah blah blah whatever, that was expected, really. i've added people to the project, and some of them are now living in the house. the house is full. :P
the punchline:
there are 2 little sisters. one local, in the house here, and one in brazil. the local sister freaked when we told her the news a few days ago. she called the brazil sister to tell her, and the conversation went like this:
"i have something important to tell you."
"no wait! i have something REALLY important to tell YOU!"
i stood there face-palming in slow motion, while this repeated a few more times. sure enough... the brazil sister is pregnant. she found out on the same day.
i wish i was joking.
brazil sister will most likely be keeping the kid, even tho shes young, mentally unstable, unemployed, STUPID, and her boyfriend is even worse. she will most likely be coming up here, and living in this house. ... the house is full. :P
so. i'm stressing. things are not according to plan. timing is bad.
but i'm happy. and janis is happy. she seems very interested in this new thing we're doing. and if she's happy, i'm happy. so we're happy.
and definitely a little bit crazy.