(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 21:37

Name? Annette Pestano
age? 15
Age you feel?17
3 words to describe you? Ridiculos, sleepy, punk
words to describe how you look? 5’3 brunette brown eyes
what are your guilty pleasures? I have no idea.
what's your most traumatic childhood experience? idk. maybe when my damn sister threw me down the stairs at like 3 years old even though I don’t remember it..
Do you love your mother? Yea but she can annoy the fuck out of me somethimes…..
What's the best way to make a smore? At a camp fire…
What do you believe in? myself. Haha.

Have you ever been in love? Yes.
Can one love a person as just a friend if there is a potential for one to love that same person as more? Wtf? Ew no lesbian yuck.
If not, then you're straight, right? yea im stragight idiot
Who gives you butterflies? As of now no one really. But when I was w/ jason for the weekend I got butterflies a couple times..
Do you believe in totally platonic friendship with a member of the preferred sex(es)? I guess so, but...no
Who's your big secret crush? Secret crush… hah wouldn’t u like to know. 
Do you believe in True love? yep
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other/associate/sex slave/pig dressed up in a clown suit right now? ok, that was too much for me but um no…not really.
do you think people in love should do little things for each other, such as taking it up the ass?: why the fuck not. Hahahahaha!
Do you consider premarital sex...evil?: not if you really love the person..
Do you consider premarital sex...necessary?: no not unless your ready
Give us a hot sex tip? Romantic is nice. But eventually it wouldn’t be so bad hot and sweaty. But I wouldn’t know. lol

Are you the stonin'/shootin'/smokin'/snortin'/swallowin' type?:noo…
If so, what's your drug of choice?: smoked pot
What's your best drug story?: when I ate a brownie at rosses fuckin hilarious.
If not a junkie, what's the best drug story you've heard from one of your stupid, substance-addled dumb stupid friends? Derek and randomly talkin about eddie haha lmao.
And if not, are you high on life?: Always..
Do you enjoy and/or frequently drink alcohol?: occasionally
Have you ever used a hose or a funnel to drink?: nope vance dose though! haha

Christianity?: Hey i think some people take it the wrong way..w/e though im catholic so im going to shut up.
Racism?: stupid.
Marriage?: when im older yes.
Vegetarianism?: whatever floats your boat..
Showtunes?: im good.
The possibility of extraterrestrial life?: why not
Filosophimacal conversashun?: wtf?
The abject moral decay of American society?:its hilarious and sad at the same time
Having nipples surgically added for entertainment purposes?: wtfuck. Hahaha. lmao

Will one day be seen on a channel for mommies and daddies only?: jennifer lol
Inspires heart attacks due to physical attributes?: ashlee me and jen <33 oh baby
Should take him or herself more seriously?: mike wtf that kid needs to stop being so babyish. Seriously and makin eveythin into a joke.
Should shave?: hahaha no comment
Needs to call you right this very minute?: no one really.
Is going to be very famous indeed? Erica I think
Will write many lovely things? Me
Would you must trust to perform open heart surgery on you?: none of my friends there all air heads no im jk! Jen cuz I trust her.
Predestination or free will?: half and half... i dont know whats better, fate or choice?Monotheism or polytheism?: hey its all the same in the end
Dancing or moshing? Both sound good.
Buses or trains?: buses, no doubt about it
Too many friends or too many enemies?: I dont think i have any enemies, but i do have a lot of friends.
Fucking or making love?: making love.
No ketchup for the rest of your life or constant Gloria Estefan: okay, what?
Figure skating champion or world class funnel cake eating contest grandmaster?: now thats a tough one.
Tori Amos or clawing your eyes out with shards of glass? Tori amos has a video thats like her head mounted on her leg and shes hopping around so i will choose the second option.
Being rigidly married to an electrical snowman or being forced to eat live ant?: snow man I hate ants w/ a passion!
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