Jun 22, 2009 15:13
Joy. I just turned 24.
I went and turned in the last bit of thing I needed to for my financial aid to process. This will hopefully be my last semester at Gateway and I will begin my desperate attempts to transfer to UWM pretty much as soon as class starts in the fall beacuse there is nothing left here for me to take. My schedule for this fall is the absoloute suck but I am kinda scrounging for credits since I was supposed to attempt my transfer this fall so it was the best I could do.
Long story short as to why no transfer, I had to file for a extention on my taxes and so couldn't do my FAFSA by the priority date. They say you can fill out your FAFSA without your taxes but they LIE.
So I have 4 classes and they suck and then there is the schedule itself
Developmetal Psychology: Thursday 6pm-9pm
Abnormal Psychology: Tuesday and Thursday 10:15am-11:45am
Speech: Tuesday 6pm-9pm
Critical Thinking: Tuesday abd Thursday 12:25pm-1:55pm in Racine
Other than that things are good for me right now. Matt took me to Mitsuwa yesterday for my birthday (We have custard flavored Kit-Kats!)and bought me Battle for the Sun on CD so I could have a legal copy. My mom and grandma are coming up for my birthday tomorrow and my mom is getting me The Sims 3. We finaly got our taxes done and we should have our return soon at which point we are buying a car for me since shortly Spaz and I will have no transportation at all. No job on the horizon yet but that will be easier once I have reliable transportation again.
So far so good