I've just realized why I'm not completely on board and in love with the show: Where's the funny? There are no quotable lines, the dialogue is forgettable, and the characters aren't endearing. So while the concept is interesting and the plot thickens, I don't care enough about the people for it pull at my heartstrings, the way Joss Whedon's shows
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I have further problems, too.
I'm sure they'll get to resolving this (or I hope they will) but I also have a problem with the amount of "mental rape" they're doing, just right off the bat, considering what a heavy price Willow had to pay for do this to Tara. So the tone is creepy and weird, and not in a good way.
And also, it's going to be very hard to make a connection with a character that has neither throughline nor memory. We have no idea who Echo really is, and her behavior from episode to episode will always be basically different (unless that changes and she becomes fully aware.) I quite liked the concept initially, but once I saw it in action, it seemed like a storytelling mistake.
Maybe it's a story that requires much long-form telling to succeed. Or maybe it will just get better in the long run. Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan of the first season of Buffy. My husband (also a big Whedon fan) and I are going to watch it all the way through - hoping that it will improve eventually.
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