Jan 24, 2008 09:31
I a m h a p p y a b o u t
finally updating my iPod getting the new pj harvey on there, birthday party, nick cave b sides & rarities.. I put love and rockets on there, I want to see them at coachella because I'm goth.. don't have much else to choose from.. really hoping there's something up goldenvoices's sleeve or I am going to be one dumbstruck coachella-er..
h a p p y a b o u t
my favorite person traveling over this weekend against his will because las vegas nevada is a soul swallower but soon I will leave this downward spiral black hole of a city and then no more shall we part...
f u n n y
reading my old ljs me and sandra were such fucking funny little girls, me and paulina were really really funny, I wish I had a better memory because I don't remember anything until I go back and read ljs or look at pictures and that also inspires not so pleasant memories so its a give take situation I supposeeeeeeeee
v e r y h a p p y a b o u t
tanning getting tan again going to hawaii, getting such a high note streak on guitar hero that shane gave up and tobey didnt even want to challenge me & still getting my victory bowl, fucking off at work because I'm quitting in 3 more weeks!
h a p p y s h o e s
new shoes from my personal shopper nothing makes me happier than new surprise shoe finds.
h a p p y t o c o m e
<33<3<3<33rhett miller feb. 9th
w h a t e l s e
I a m g o i n g t o g o h o m e s i c k p r o b a b l y a r o u n d n o o n b e c a u s e w e h a v e t o g o g r o c e r y shopping and I have laundry to do still and I need to scrub my bath