Feb 07, 2005 11:33
Well, my journal has been out of commission for the better part of more than a month. Damn...that's a long time. I have not been able to make time for it anymore, it's not that my life is so busy just that the more I become a college student the lazier I get. I shaved for the first time in almost a month a few days ago...last time I shaved was before I left McAllen and a "beard" was already coming out when I decided to shave. I've decided to let my hair grow until Spring Break, which should be a good length by then so we'll see. A lot has been going on lately regarding school. The classes I'm taking this semester are as follows:
Intro. To Theatre
Engineering Physics I
Differential Equations
Intro. to Computing (Yes, it's the same class from last semester)
Ok, so let me explain the Intro. to Computing class. Yes I'm taking it over again because I got a D in the class, but the reason I got a D in the class was because I decided to help someone out on a programming assignment and they submitted my work so we got caught for "cheating" and because of that I got a penalty of my final grade being docked a whole letter grade...so in reality I did pass the class with a C. BUT none of this ever happened, I would of gotten a C on my transcript last semester and I wouldn't have gotten my scholarship for this semester. So you ask, how did I still get it? Well because I choose to dispute my penalty with the dean, but in reality all that did was buy me time because I still got the same penalty. But because I didn't accept the penatly last semester it went in as an Incomplete and Incomplete's don't affect your GPA so that is why I was still able to get my scholarship. I sent the scholarship people my billing information a TAD bit late and my scholarship check was BARELY received here at UT this past Friday. I can't wait for the money to be deposited into my account, maybe I'll actually get to buy the mp3 player I've been meaning to get for quite a while.
It seems like this semester is a lot more work than last semester. Especially my Physics class...we have h/w due every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:00 a.m. which sucks cause it never seems like we have a break. The same is the case with my Differential Equations class but the math doesn't seem that hard compared to the Physics.
Life in Austin, is pretty much same as last semester...I actually took up playing pool now. I was to get better because right now I suck. Gives us something to do instead of play poker all the time. I ordered a "poker" cue stick on Ebay last week and should get it tomorrow or Wednesday...LoL. As far as poker goes, I can't seem to win...it seems I'm a stream of bad beats...oh well...hopefully my bad luck will come to an end.
It is already almost Mid-February and already this semester seems to be going by really quick...I can not wait for Spring Break...I just want to chill out and party all week....and then there's summer. I do plan to work and go to school during the summer but I hope that it's a fun and adventerous summer. Next month I will be turning 19 years of age....WOOOO...Big Deal...LoL...I still feel like such a little kid. Oh well, what can you do. I can not wait until next year and living in the apartments, moreso the freedom that will come along with it. I mean right now I sort of am on my owm but I'm living in Jester, Jester looks like a prison. Next year will truly be fun. We are on the prowl for a roommate since my first choice Aaron doesn't want to jinx himself in making any hastly decisions regarding living when he's not even over here yet. I totally understand but I felt like we had to jump on this opportunity and and now I upsetted Aaron and plus I don't think he would of felt comfortable with the living situation.
As far as Karra goes...She's in UTSA this semester and seems to be settled in. I'm sure she misses home...who wouldn't...but she sounds like she's gotten used to her new home. Karra and I are currently taking a break when it comes to our relationship. We still talk every day and pretty much nothing is different so yeah.
Ummm....I don't know what else to talk about...I will try to update more often (I mean it)...