May 19, 2015 20:51
Stop the presses! I'm posting on time about some caching!
Went out today for a lovely day of Munzee and geocaching. I ended up finding all 4 caches I looked for. Hoorah!
The first was a small little one hidden under a tree. Not in it, under the branches at ground level. Interesting idea! Took a while to find because some guy in a work truck just wouldn't leave and get back to work.
The second was buried in loose needles underneath another tree. A good idea, as it was totally out of sight, but no tools or great effort are required to extract the cache.
Third was in a tree. And was not the container type I was expecting, but that's okay! Apparently they've given up saying what the current format is - it appears to have been replaced many times. I don't know if it wears out or gets muggled, but either way, it was right where it was supposed to be today!
Fourth was just awesome. It was an inside-library cache. I love these. First there was a puzzle to solve, in order to get the spine label number for the book. Wonderful cache. Made me happy to find it! And they did a great job, making many of the early pages in to log pages.
I was going to try for a couple more, but it was the end of a long day and I was getting tired. It was just time to go home. That's 4 more on a traditionally poor month for me, and one more day off the calendar.