Jun 22, 2013 18:53
Great caching day today - I found 10 caches, the most ever for me for one day! My aunt met up with me for part of it and we had a lovely walk. Here's a record of our day.
130 My eyes landed on this cache right away. If they hadn't, I'm not sure I would have ever discovered it! Very cleverly disguised as a sprinkler head. I was also able to grab a wonderful trackable here - LeagueOfLibrarians! This was also a new Alberta Hider for me. Hider called it a micro, seems more like a small, to me.
I skipped right over one without trying - there were many muggles around and this one looked like it might involve some scrambling on a hill, in plain sight.
131 was way harder than it should have been... I don't know what went wrong! I must have looked right through the cache 10 times before actually seeing it. A nice little small.
132 was quick - I think the geo-gods were trying to make up for the last one! a nice small from another new hider - yipee! This was also a new D/T type for me!
By this point my aunt was waiting for me, so I did a quick look for a cache, but couldn't find it and didn't want to spend too long looking for it. I didn't bother logging a DNF on it, since I really didn't take long.
133 was a great ammo can! I love finding those in the city. I dropped off a couple of larger items for trade here, that I have been wanting to part with. A regular that was my third new Albert Hider of the day!
134 netted me another trackable! Eat Sleep Cache. I don't know how people can pass them by, I find them addicting. Anyway, this small was tucked in a dry little place and I found it quickly, with my aunt threatening to let me go if I fell in the river.
135 earned a fave point from me. The hint said it was an ammo can chained to a tree... it was a micro ammo can in a woodpecker's old hole! Loved it. :)
136 was a quick nano. I'm pleased I was able to find it so fast! I feel like my "geosenses" are improving.
I walked right past the next one, as I was not in the mood for any bushwhacking. It was a CARW, so it should be easy, but I was getting tired and less inclined to struggle.
137 was a nice small/regular. It was almost "hidden in plain sight"!
138... the hint was "Eeeewwwww" which had me worried. I was right to be - it was a fake spider. I HATE spiders - borderline phobia. This is the first time I have ever considered claiming a "found it" for a cache I did not open and sign the paper for. In the end, I couldn't accept that for myself and finally got my pen to paper on this stinking micro. Proud of myself for that, but I don't plan on visiting that cache ever again!
139 and last of the day! A regular/small in a nice little urban park. Another new-to-me cacher - 4 for the day! Actually, my aunt found this one - her first ever geocache find! So many muggles around, I was afraid I might have to miss out, but it was sufficiently blocked from prying eyes, that I think I was okay. I dropped off LeagueOfLibrarians here.
139 caches, 61 days, 22 D/T
100 Alberta Hiders (69)
Alberta AlphaNumeric Hider (23)
Alberta AlphaNumeric Title (23)
As a reminder, here are my goals for 2013:
250 finds (total) and 5 hides. I also want to cache in 2 places that are not in Alberta. 2 states, 2 other provinces, 2 other countries.
139/250, 1/5, 1/2