i've decided to close this place up. why? here are some reasons:
- i don't like how i've mixed layouts + icons into one community; i'm sure lots of you joined for layouts and have no interest in the icons i post, and it's not fair to spam you or make you a part of something that hardly updates with layouts.
- i'm moving out for school next month and will be too busy to update a place on my own. will i be gone for good? no, i plan on making a joint icon/graphics community with my friend
epikwin (formerly
loller_pop of
aquazora ). we thought it would be easier on the both of us to share a community because then we wouldn't feel pressured to stay overly active, and also because, to put it bluntly, i adore her graphics and have always wanted to be a partner with her. look forward to the community, i'll make another post here once we make it.
- i kind of failed at being a good icon maker because of my long hiatuses (during requests) and then losing requests and such. so yeah. *shrug* sorry
- on a happier note, i wanna say thanks to ALL of you who have joined this place and supported me; i never thought i'd get soooo many members (especially in a completly public place) and feedback. it's really amazing, thank you.
-AND OH YEAH: i am also a part of
haenbokcookie ...and i've been thinking of leaving, but idk for sure yet. i want to see if i can stay there and post batches too.
one last thing: please complete this poll regarding layouts:
Poll help!