Dec 12, 2004 00:18
nobody knows whats behind this fake smile of mine.
no one knows how lost and confused and how unloved i am.
if only you guys knew.. what goes on in my life.. or what i feel everyday.
if only you knew the pain that i go through every day to try harder and to keep going.
there are times when i just want to kill myself.
i cry every night. for no reason.. i just break down.
i miss my dad. i wish he was here everyday with me like he used to be.
its my fault hes not here anymore.. its my fault he started doing drugs.
i'm tired of being made fun of. i'm tired of wanting to go anerexic but i dont.
i just want to run away sometimes.. theres nothing good for me here.
i wish i was writing this on paper and sending this out to you guys so that you could see the tears that are running down my face and would be dripping onto the paper.
i'm sick of being talked shit about.
so for all of you that talk shit.. or are mean to other people.. just think.. you could be the reason why they kill themselves one day.. that one comment you say to them.. or about them can change one persons life. so just stop. before you hurt someone.. grow up... you dont know what that other person could be going through.. not everyone has a perfect life..
i'm sorry this entry is so sad.. but i had to get it out of me.. if you read this thanks.. comment if you'd like... something good or bad about me.. you can write something bad if you want to... it doesn't matter... nothing can be worse then the things people have said already. and i really hope that you think about the last thing i said... and think about how you would feel if you were that person.