(no subject)

Nov 04, 2004 21:10

1. First Name: Mariangela Bronzino
2. Hair Color: brown with copper and carmal highlights, and bleach blonde
3. Middle Name: n/a
4. Hair Style: i wear my hiar a whole bunch of ways ;-D
5. Eye Color: brownish
6. Height: 5'6
8. Birthday: nov. 3
9. Zodiac Sign: SCROPIO
10. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: no
11. Do you have a crush?: Yes

1. Favorite place to be kissed: neck
2. Favorite Animal: cat
3. Favorite Sport: cheerleading, bball, vball, track
4. Favorite Color(s): Pink
5. Favorite Friend(s): Leana
6. Favorite Song(s): vibrate petey pablo
7. Favorite Movie Quote: hate tv
8. Favorite Store: abercrombie and fitch
9. Favorite Feeling: wouldn't you like to know?
10. Favorite Shoe: nike cheer shoes
11. Favorite Scent: cumcumber melon
12. Do You Wear Make-Up?: yeah..sometimes
13. Which is more important, personality or looks?: both
14. What kind of personality do you like in a guy/girl?: sexi, nice, awesome, funnie outgoing, not shy
15. Do you move fast or slow in a relationship?:depends
16. What is your idea of the perfect guy/girl?: Sexi. Sweet. Funn
17. Would you ever ask someone out?: ahh NOPE
18. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: uh don't matter
Love, Life & Friends
1. What is the first thing you notice about somone?: what they look like. body, face
2. When's the last time you cried?: like two days ago
3. What do you want to be when you grow up?: actress babii, or a stripper lmfaoo hah jk
4. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: YES
5. How far have you gotten?: nonya
6. Do you like someone right now?: yes
7. Do they know?: probablly
8. Do you have a best friend?: yeah lots

Do you like to...
1. Do you like to give hugs? fuck yeah man
2. Give back rubs?: fa sho...get back in return
3. Take walks in the rain?: yes, i want to fucc in the rain hhah lmfao
4. Do you ever have one of those falling dreams?: yeah.
5. What is on the walls of your room?: picures. pictures and pictures
6. When you chew gum, what etc..kind?: any good kind
7. Do you use chap stick?: yeah

In the last month have/did you...
1. Drink?: yeah
2. Smoke?: yeah
3. Drugs?:no
4. Have Sex?: no
5. Made Out?: no
6. Kissed someone? prolly
7. Go on a date?: idk
8. Go to the mall?: yeah
9. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: no ew
10. Eaten sushi?:no
11. Been on stage?:prolly not
12. Been dumped?: naw
17. Been in love?:yes

More stuff.
1. Are you popular?: kinda
2. Are you pretty?: i hope
4. What is your favorite word to say: awesome; sweet
5. What is your favorite phrase to say?: suck a dick; suck my left nut the one i dont have
6.what are you doing right now?: hmm i wonderrrr
7. What song are you listening to?: mike being a fag
8. What are you wearing?: jacket, pink sweater from express, these sweet pants, they are silverrish pink bra, thong

1. Cold or hot?: hot
2. Lace or satin?: lace
3. Blue or Red?: blue
4. New or old?: new
5. Rain or snow?: rain
6. Give or receive?: recieve
7. Wool or cotton?: cotton
8. Rose or Daisy?: rose
9. Private school or public school?: publicc
10. Chocolate milk or plain milk?: chocolate
11. Celsius or Fahrenheit? fahrenheit
12. Spring or Fall?: spring
13. Inny or outty?: inny
14. Now or then?: now
15. How many fingers am I holding up?:idk you tell me
16. Scent?: airrr
17. English or Math?: math
18. Bath or shower?: either or
19. Bedtime phrase?: goodnight playas
20. Self-stick or lick?: lick
21. Cursive or print?: print
22. Do you like surprises?: fuck yeah
23. Paranoid or Cautious?: cautios
24. Heights or Crowds?: crowds?
25. Half-full or half-empty?: whats the diff?
26. Top or bottom?: bttem
27. do you/Would you dye your hair?: yeah
28. Speeding or running red lights?: yeah
29. Gold or silver?: gold..white gold
30. Bad habits?: hmm yeah but i cant think of em
31. Piercing?: 5 i the ears used to have my belly buttton
32. Erogenous Zone(s)?: ?
33. "Maybe" or "Mebbe?":maybe
35. What do you wish you'd done?: alot
36. Fetish?: ?
37. Do you have one of THOSE voices?: yeah tehy are anoyinh
8. Jammies or naked?: either or
39. Neurotic or psychotic?: ?
40. Do you talk to yourself?:yeahhh

first grade teacher's name: mr barber
last word you said: barber
last song you sang: some italian song
what's in your cd player: mix
what color socks are you wearing:n/a
what's under your bed: boxes
what time did you wake up today: 8 24
where do you want to go: to the moon
what is your career going to be: a skank haha
where are you going to live: on the corner of eight mile in my box :D
how many kids do you want: 0680596586478776
what kind of car will you have: idk i'll be always riding a dick :-O

current mood: good
current music: none
current taste: my mouth, tastes pretty good ;-D
current hair: scrunched in half pony
current smell: air
current longing: sex:-o jk
current desktop picture: something wierd
current favorite artist: petey pablo
current color of toenails: clear
current worry: none
current crush: nonya
current hate: idk

13 people you love
leana bridgette crystal sam ashaley jamie stephanie aryca ava madiline taylor almeria mary

9 things-people that make you smile
him, knowing i can do it, friends, guys, anythgn and everything getting yelled at etc

8 things you wear daily
shirt pants bra underwear deorderent earings necklace socks

7 things that annoy you
delia when poeple talk to mych amanda h tom and like annoying thihngs

6 things you are looking forward to
1)good weekend
5)sexi mofos

5 things you are scared of
spiders people scarring me fat poeple ugly poeple losers big bugs yeah idk

4 people you talk to daily
sam, almeria, madiline, tonya

3 foods you could live off of
pizza icecream chocolate

2 unforgettable moments
1. first kiss
2. ..and :-X

1 person you could spend the rest of your life with
idk prolly..........

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