(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 22:16

qOt thisz from vicci'z profiLe »»

Smoke?: noo
Drink?: not rele? like a few times..
Read the newspaper?: only sports where Barron bball isz
Pray?: AMEN ;]
Gone skinny dipping?: haha yuuuppp *
Had a medical emergency?: no
Had surgery?: yes =\ tonsils and adniods taken out -ouchies!
Ran away from home?: kinda have.. i was back within the same day i ran away l0l
Played strip poker?: no.. haha sounds funnn
Gotten beaten up?: not by any gerl
Beaten someone up?: never fauqht.. but that dont mean i dont kno how to
Been on stage?: uh huh! i used ta dance haha
Slept outdoors?: i dont think so?
Pulled an all nighter?: of course!! haha RELE tired the next dayy!
If yes, what is your record?: didn't sleep for like a day and niqht?
Ever made out with a stranger?: ..hmm..
Been on radio/tv?: mhm! for basketball ;]
Been in a mosh-pit?: haa nope
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: sumtymz they may act like that but they are all straight.. cept for older ppl i know
First kiss?: uhh? no1 needs to know! all that matters is Matt now..
Pepsi or coke?: COKE
Chocolate or vanilla?: depends..
Internet or phone?: uhh.. internet bkuz you can talk to more ppl at once.. but i LOVE hearinq sexy voices on the phone.. lol MATT HAS THE SEXiEST!
Suicidal?: hail naw!
Stubborn?: ooo yeaa!
Open-minded?: suree
Arrogant?: uhhh idk?
Patient?: HA! not rele
Hyper?: i have my moments ...
Nice?: i hope so?
Happy?: usually
Forqivinq?: depends on the situation..
Shave your head for $1000?: HELL NO
Like candles?: ooooo yeaa.. pretty scented ones! ;]
Believe in love at first sight?: yup.. anythinq can happen
Believe in forgiveness?: yes
Want to get married?: most definitely!
Want to have kids?: DUH! ATLEST 3
Ever want to adopt kids?: ..depends..

[three words that sum you up]: short, friendly, funny ?? (idk U TELL ME)
[jewelry worn daily]: varys from day-to-day.. earinqs necklace ring ...
[wallet]: i jusz use my purse pockets l0l
[cofffee]: ..not rele a biq coffe fan..
[shoes]: flip flops
[cologne/perfume]: 8, chanel, pink, dream, ADRiNALiNE!!!
[clothing you have on]: sofiez and tank top..

[cried]: nope
[bought something]: probly
[gotten sick]: jusz qot over tha flew
[sang]: sure? lalalalalala
[eaten]: DUH!
[been kissed]: hehe MATTTTT
[felt stupid]: haha yuuuppp
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: i dont think so.
[talked to an ex]: nope
[seen someone you have a crush on]: MATT
[had a serious talk]: yup
[missed someone]: i quess.. i misz you kourt! l0l n vicci n allie!
[hugged someone]: course!
[argued with a parent(s)]: haha ooo yeah!!!!

[best girl friend]: jackie, gaelle, allie, grace, vicci, gusy, lauren anna etc
[best guy friend]: MATT?!?!?!
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: Matthew William Veraguas hehe *9-12-03
[hobbies]: bball nd computer (homework kuz midterms)
[car you drive]: i take my moms yukon XL around tha neighborhood ery once n a while.. lol
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: friends party more, and dates are more romantic.. i love both!
[job]: not old enuf.. i think you have ta be 14.. but i sumtymz help out at my dads clinic (hes a vet!)
[church]: 1st Nazarine
[like being around people]: ..depenz on my mood l0l..

I HAVE: alot of stuff l0l
I WISH: matt wouldnt be so pertective all the time and we would fiqht so much..
I HATE: (what i jusz said) and the fact that my coach quit and that people talk shit and that im never quna be who i wana be and how my life is never quna be perfect.. l0l alota thinqs haha
I MISS: my family up north in kansas and nebraska and my friends that left gvms
I FEAR: hMm i duno ? prolly death ?
I HEAR: the tv
I SEARCH: for 'bauxite' (mineral for science)
I WONDER: what i'll be like in the future??
I REGRET: some thinqz..
I LOVE: family and friends and Matt ;] and special thinqz
I CARE: about friends family and Matt
I ALWAYS: ?? too meny thinqz to say....
I SING: lovely sonqz.. lol
I CRY: wen i am sad and miserable ;[
I FIGHT: with whoever pissez me off
I WRITE: my homework .. lol
I CONFUSE: myself and people sometimes..
I LISTEN: to everything???
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND: at home, mall, movies or uhh bball gym
I NEED: to be loved and other stuff haha
I AM HAPPY: most of tha time..

Slept in your bed: ME
Saw you cry: probly Matt
Made you cry: probly Matt or my mom or dad or sisters..
You shared a drink with: Matt
You went to the movies with: LOTA PEOPLE! allie lauren nina alyssa gaelle kelsey.... everyone!!!!
You went to the mall with: Matt i think..
Yelled at you: Matt
Called you: Matt
IMed: Matt

w0w the first dayy of midtermz was ezziie!! i hope it stays like that! i daubt thouqh! lol oh well.. i gota go.. bkuz im TRYiNG to qet to bed earlie so i can qet sum ressstt.. ilUM!

* xO Kaycee
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