Jan 25, 2005 21:06
Omq yay! Vicci helped me remember what the website was tOo tha livejournal music sOo i cud chanqe mine - even thouqh i love tha sonq ''oOnly 1'' sOuthside is just sOo beautiful lol .. sOo comment if youu like it*
anyways.. toniqht i went tOo danis basketball qame at barron ; they won!! yesss!! but bad newsz ;[ my poor sissy qot hert .. sum biach slammed her on the fLoOr and now she isnt aloud tOo lay down for a lil bit bkuz she qot a ''minOr cuncushin!'' oOh no!! poorrr babbbyy!! l0l but shes feelinq better now sOo thatz qOod! qreat qame tOo! <3 ya!
nOw i qot lotz of homework tOo do but i just HAD to update and qet a new sonq on here lol so i will talk to you later <3<3<3<3
I love youu MattCHew! you are sOo COCKceded!! haha (wen a boy is jusz 'conceded' or conceded about his dick hahahah) yeah only vicci qets that one! lol
Love; Kaycee