Jan 21, 2005 21:56
first of all - i wanna say sumthinq `bout Julia Szilagi (however youu spell that - lol)
shes myy juju, myy double j, and MOST importantlyy - myy home-qerl!! babe » i love youu so much!! even thouqh we aren't reallyy tOo close this year.. you have and ALWAYS are there for me.. your are one of the sweetest people in the world that i have ever known! and im not just sayinq that either.. (i voted you best-all-around and most athletic!! hehe) .. you have ALWAYS been there for me when i was havinq a tuff time at home, school or with Matt..you are always qiven me helpful advice to life and always werkinq thinqs out with me.. i cant metion more then 4 other people, includinq youu, that i can rely on forever.. toniqht- at the barron qame, made me remember what a qreat friend you are toO me! we had sucha a qood time toniqht! with tha sponqebob candies tOo tha sinqin ''now scruuub tha qround! - scruuub tha qround!'' with tha handmotionsz and all.. l0l youu are SO qreat to hanq out with and sucha awesome -all-around-person- .. i want you to know that when i qo to barron and youu qo to poopy naples (lol_jK) that i will always love you and im always here to be your friend ;]
BESidES myy qreat time with julia todayy::
school was ohkay i quess.. same ol same ol.. mrs willets (la) was a meanie to me todayy.. qave me a ZERO outa 25 points on my essay bkuz it wasnt LONG ENOUGH! eww! haha but thanks to lauren and xamena (soundz like Ha-men-a) and kyle - i qot all 25 points for them qivin me starpoints!! thank you!! hehe lauren you are so frikin funny! danq i cant belive mrs willets said you were ASSiNiNE!! omq!! pooty mouth!! haha and THEN she said i was beinq JUST LiKE YOU and very annoyinq and ubnocktious!! omqoodness!! hahahahah that was SO funny!
tomarrow lookz like a typical saturday for me.. basketball qame =) win like ALWAYS lol and then maybe mall wit sum people? then sundayy we finally are qoin back to AAU practice with myy AWESOME team! oOh yeah but uhh i have a problem with RAGEAN beinq on the team but we can see how that qoes and all.. ppl on the thunder know what im talkinq `bout.. she best keep her mouth shut for the season or shitsz quna qo down ;[ hehe.. well i will talk to youu later mmkayy?
i love youu Matt *
xoOhx Kaycee <33