(no subject)

Jul 03, 2006 13:48

If I refuse to acknowledge my birthday then I won't get older! *nods* That's the plan. Getting older was fun until 21 and then I just started thinking of myself as another pedestrian on the road to dotage. I have class and I start work at the Law Library on Wednesday, so I won't have time for any kind of proper birthday fun.

I've decided, the time has finally come for me to reorganize my hard drive. Because while I enjoy finding files entitled 'And then the bitch SNAPPED.jpg' in surprising places on my computer, I have no idea what bitch is snapping or why.

Japanese fangirls, you may break my brain with disturbing regularity, but when I really need smutty fanart, you never let me down and I love you for that.

I'm curious, does anyone else have one of those pairings you just can't let go, even though there's practically zero canonical evidence? I know the writers are tossing me fan-service-shaped bones but I still can't let go.

P.S. Becky, I blame you for Veronica Mars. If I had dollar for all the things I've said "NO! Well, Becky really likes it so I guess I'll try it..." about, I'd be set.

Where is my focus? My brain is bouncing and it's such a disturbing feeling.
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