
Jun 27, 2006 02:07

Is it awful of me to hope that Harry is one of the two slated for death? Just so that I could see the fandom explode? I was holding out hope for the "Rocks fall and everyone dies" ending, but barring that ( Read more... )

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beckerbell June 28 2006, 07:40:41 UTC
(I really don't understand why Tamaki/Haruhi doesn't appeal to me. Even before I watched the anime--though, the anime's overemphasis on the pairing to the point of completely and totally changing the manga's tone and pacing has certainly made me even less charitable towards it--something about it didn't click right with me. Maybe it's that Tamaki's always trying to make her girly and cute when that's just not Haruhi's nature. I'm not sure if he really likes her, which is strange because Tamaki's got good instincts. He's a total moron, but he's still a brilliant student and he knows people.)

(....which is why I like Kyouya/Tamaki so much. Because Kyouya is using him to get ahead with his father, but Tamaki knows Kyouya wouldn't ever cross a line. He lets Kyouya save Haruhi in the pool to go for the crown, who else would he have done that with? Tamaki's not stupid enough not to realize that Kyouya sets some of these things up, but he also knows that there's a good person under Kyouya's calculating exterior. And he's rewarded with a genuine friendship with Kyouya, I think he's probably the only one that Kyouya is genuinely affected by. That is what makes me want to ship them like crazy.)

Goodness. Abuse of parentheses and writing ship essays. Eh. Don't feel the need to respond, I just wanted to get that out of my system. *grin*

Anyway. The computer will probably be gone for about two more weeks, maybe a week and a half if I'm lucky. I would love to get a few series on CD/DVD, but only if you think it'd be worth the time since I'll be back to downloading in about two weeks. (I'm clawing at the walls for Gakuen Heaven 9+, Jyu-Oh-Sei 9+ if you have them? But please don't feel badly if you don't. I have up through... 37 of Detective Academy Q, I think? ....asdf;kjaldsfja, I am staring in awe at the jungle!dancing.)

Speaking of which, I have at least the first four YST DVDs burnt for you already. I should defintely be able to get 5 and 6 by the time I get my computer back. I'm not sure if any beyond that are posted, but I'll get as much sent your way as I can. >:D

AND NOW I HIT POST. (Crap, I went over the limit. Sorry.)


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