unbiased opinion!

Mar 15, 2007 20:27

I wasn't sure how many saw this posted on the Yahoo groups, but someone sent the link and text to me, and I had to made sure the word got out. This is fantastic. And I love it that it (hopefully) came from someone that isn't a fan. *g* Just someone who recognizes what sounds to be a very good flick. So in the midst of my excitement over 300 (and ( Read more... )

3:10 to yuma, russell crowe

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ii2none59 March 25 2007, 22:37:40 UTC
Oh I think Cate Blanchett is one of my favorite actresses (I can't wait to see her as Elizabeth again), but I had these mixed feelings when I saw that she was being cast in Indy 4. Part of me was like "Fantastic -- she may become my most favorite heroine since Marion Ravenwood!" And then it was like I got hit by a ton of bricks. " she his daughter or what?" I'm sure she'll be wonderful no matter what!

I've heard so many rumors off and on of what the plot would be. But the last I had heard, it was being released this year. And the storyline was that Indy's long lost brother (I hate a lot of these long lost relative stories LOL) appeared with a map to the lost civilization of Atlantis....Then there was the King Solomon's Mines plot....Or that Ben Affleck was going to play his son....Who the heck knows? At the rate we're going, an adult Short Round may be back. Maybe the Nazis will join forces with the evil Thugee cult. And is Sean Connery in this one? What about John Rhys-Davies? (I guess as long as Mrs. Spielberg's Willie Smith isn't back, I'll be happy).

I'm asking a lot of questions for a movie I have little interest in LOL

Seriously though, I'm with you. I might go see it if the reviews are to die for. But I've grown incredibly mistrustful of Mr. Lucas over the last couple of decades, and those last three so-called Star Wars movies didn't help....I do think that if they acknowledge that Indy is older (nearly 20 years older than he was in the last flick, which I think took place in 1938 -- it's been a while since I've seen it) it would help. I don't know *sigh* It wasn't like he was all that physical in say Firewall, but it was still uncomfortable watching him. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just felt...weird. Oh well...guess we'll see.


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