I have been really bad about putting any pix here 'cos, frankly, it's a lot easier to send 'em to Facebook than trying to get them into Scrapbook. Especially since I can't find the cable that lets me take pix off of my camera and onto my confuser, but I can snap summat with my phone and send it posthaste to FB on the spur of the moment.
Yes, I am slack. I'm ok with that.
This is what my hair looked like until today, pretty much:
I took this Tuesday at the office, but pretty much this is what it's been lookin' like for a while now. Bleh. BORING. Yeh, yeh, I know. I can do stuff with it, but... Well, again: I am slack, and that takes "work" and "effort." Which are things I am not particularly good at.
So my friend Stewart made it look like this:
From the front:
(I know my phone seems to blow out the colour a lot, and no matter how I set the flash settings, that seems to happen. Despite that, and make-up, I like that I still appear to have circles under my eyes. Lovely)
I am pleased as PUNCH! Now I just have to fiddle with the colour, as I am not spendy enough to pay that many dollars and have him do it. If I go all fail-worthy with colouring it, it's a pretty easy thing to dye over. If I get a fubared cut, well... That's a lot more difficult to have repaired.
While I was out, I found this:
EEEeeeEEeEEeeee! Dr Pepper LipSmackers! *glee* And A&W! AND Cherry 7*Up! I can be 12 again! YAY!
And, randomly, here is my target from the range the other week:
The center target was my first time out of the gate using TSD's Llama 1911 body .45, and the upper right target was using HotRod's Glock .40 that I so very dearly love.
There are other pix waiting on my camera, and as soon as I can find that handle cable-ma-dealie, I'll post them too. I actually took pictures of my hat collection recently, but haven't gotten 'round to posting 'em. Again, 'cos I am missing bits that facilitate that.
Also, I already managed to run all of my errands, do the litter box AND mop. I should start laundry here before long, but I am thinking I might leave that til tomorrow, 'cos I don't want to have laundry goign when Das 'Rod gets home, 'cos he'll wanna hop in the shower before we head out.