Because generally every attempt at going out of town results in some level of panic and forgettfulness, The XY and I managed to get our butts out of bed early-ish to take care of all the packing and getting-together of bits 'n pieces that go along with taking Tits McGee on the road.
... I really hate packing for her. She's such a damn GIRL - there is one whole bag PLUS stuff outside the bag for her. Me? My stuff takes up less than one square foot in the weekend bag - HotRod takes more stuff than I do! *grins*
If you are attending Frolicon, please make sure to check out the new goodies Big Mamma's team has on store - I know Tits McGee has built and ENTIRELY NEW number for your delight and delectation just for Frolicon! PLUS, she's got a special guest star working with her for this number, so you have to be sure to come see... You're going to be both amazed and amused, we hope, so I'll see you there!
Ilse is packed up, we have a few last minute errands in town to attend, and then we head southward for fun and Frolic(on). I'm so disgustingly excited to see
chezerina, it's not even funny.
Hoping for Vortex, Lil' 5, and possibly seeing
laddymerrydeath and Baby Brudder in the offing.
(Obviously, I am not participating the LJ "strike" or whatever, 'cos I think it is dumb. Then again, I recognise that businesses have the right to, y'know, MAKE MONEY on their enterprise. In its original incarnation, it was an open-source hobby of some college kids: Things change, and it's since been bought by a corporate concern that has legitimate cash-flow and P&L issues to manage. I have a hard time seeing why I am supposed to be pissed off that a business is doing what it sees as necessary to maintain its service-levels - they're not doing bad things to kids, raping puppies, burning old-growth trees by the masses, or giving million dollar bonuses to their execs while saying "Whoops, we have to charge you a ton of dollars 'cos even though we had a record breaking year, we can't seem to make ends meet." They're not espousing lead paint in childrens' toys or death to kittens or vetoing control over my own body. Y'know? So, save the "strike" for something that matters - receiving a living wage; fighting against destruction, death, and violence; raising awareness of health care issues. Make yourself useful and get the hell off your white-American middle class high horse about something that is ultimately a service you have CHOSEN to use. Damn. These aren't hard concepts.) Write hard. :P