Apr 18, 2005 17:10
ho i hate mondays! fuuk so i picked up my parents 4rm the airport saturday, they went on this mexican cruise all last week & @ first i was kinda lonely cuzz u kno ur jus not used 2 bein home by urself, but i got used 2 it pretty fast n it ended up bein a real fun week. billz parents were also gone 2 vegas so saturday he threw a party @ his hizouse, and i swear he has the most cruisest house ever, especially his HD channels on his $5000 TV, that shit is so so so so clear! its like bein right there in nature, it seriously makes regular TV look like a joke. and at the party this guy devin brought this imported japanese vodka, it had a small snake jus chillin @ the bottom of the bottle! supposivly vodkas supposed 2 b clear right, well the snake made the water look all brown cuz the venom or snake guts or waterver is supposed 2 seep into the alcohol, it looked pretty intresting, but they woodnt even let me sip it cuz it costs 100/bottle, that chang guy.
Anyway shits been real goooooood lately cept this whole next week is gonna be the craziest for me.
startin off Today monday i go 2 work @ 930 then class till 230 then i meet up with erik so i can get my real safety check for my car, instead of the one me and denny ripped off, so i go 2 get it and i get stuck in kalihi traffic, and lemmie tell u i hate kalihi, i hate da flips, i hate the mokes, i HATE the shitty ass cars with shitty ass drivers. Anyway, i finially find the place [over hour and half of bein in traffic], and he tells me its gonna b $20...and they dont take credit cards! but at least he is gonna pass me...so i go back to my car and ah shit, i dont have my wallet, but i do manage to find 17 dollars with change in my car, and im all pissed and its hot and im hungry, and i dont have my debit card, so shit, idk what i was thinking but i go in mcdonldz and ask the chick working the register if she has 3 bucks i can borrow for blah blah blah, and she gives me the cash! okay....so i go back to the mutha fukin guy and im all like okay it took alot of effot but here, and hes all like "ohhhhh you gotta get your registration first, thats jus your temporary safety, come back when u get the registration" T__T then after all that fiasco i have to get back in my car for another hour and drive thru traffic and stay at work till 9
SO tomm i gotta go get registration @ city hall, then go back 2 get my safety, and i have this huge paper on the mangosteen fruit due tommorow, plus my Lab test where we have to make an 8 layer dome cake, then on wedsnday i got a paper due for speech, plus its 4/2o, then i gotta work till 9, then thurs i have a final for my food science lecture class, then i have 2 go 2 vakamon motorsports 2 get my shit installed, then get my tires alaigned, then go 2 work till 9. THEN friday i have to wake up @ 8 and go to skool till 6! This week sucks ass!