Jul 27, 2005 02:05
yea so I never write in here...it's been a fuckin year since I have! WOW!
I think I'll be cool and put one entry in here for 2005. :)
so....lets see here.
~I hate the fact that I love you to death and shit is sooo fucked up right now.
~we are goin to the finals on Friday...6pm @ Royal Oak....be there...or well, dont!
~Senior year is gonna kick some major ass if I do say so myself :)
~end of the year hockey party this saturday....yea who's gettin drunk?? ME
~Our goalie rocks my sox...she's the shit
"wider than a $2 prostitute" lmfao good times
hahahaha the locker room is such a fun place to be :)
~Alicia was over the other night...and well I cant even put into words how that night went. ;)
"where did Kylie go? oh yea she was never here"
"I'll kill you"
..singing in the car
..playing that game at UNO's
..waiting for 'captain dickhead' to talk to his grandma
..driving from G.L. to 7 mile all the way to UNO's and then end up at Pleasant Ville
..throwing 'the pen' at cars
"ok we're goin 80mph now....I'll keep you posted if we go higher"
..drinking Mt. Dew and eatin nachos with A1 (sweet and tangy)
..playing neopets, wack a staff member
..stopping at Dunkin Donuts
..takin pix in the dark (I got blinded by the way)
..Alicia rambling on about some story...me: uh huh, yea, ok....then we both just pass out
..wakin up at 11:15 cuz of the damn phone!
..Justin n his damn cig at Coney
..using Scott's bathroom...lmfao
..walkin around the block
..............................oh man, I just wrote the hardest e-mail I think I've ever written in my whole entire life! hopefully everything turns out ok...if not. I'll be torn in 2 :/
and now I'm bored....see you all in a year...lol