[download] Masu Taichi's Origami Videos

Jan 17, 2019 18:39

If you follow my twitter (@mottofreaky), you'd know how much I've been flailing over Masu Taichi's super nerdy "obscure animal origami" youtube videos. But they're not available out of Japan so here they are uploaded for anyone who can't/doesn't want to use a vpn to watch them. (Here's the original link though too! He deserves a million views and likes)

I watched them all too fast and can't wait for the next one now...

♡ GDrive folder

"I heard we could do anything we wanted for these videos, so I Masu Taichi will try making obscure animal origami. I love animals and my daughter really likes origami at the moment so I'm doing a project that puts those together"

"Today I'm going to make a butterfly. Through middle and high school I was obsessed with butterflies. I had a professional net and a triangle box and went around catching as many butterflies as Fabre. Then, I was invited to a movie by a girl. However, I had my own plans to catch butterflies. So after thinking about it, I went to catch butterflies. As a result, I did not have a girlfriend until 19 years and 11 months."

*comparing the origami sensei to L from Death Note*

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