This is my Valentine's day, apparently.

Feb 14, 2016 17:20

This moment in last night's Shiyagare's curry death match was so great :D

Under a cut because of spoilers, and large gifs

[Liberal translations, and I could very well be wrong]

S: Something's wrong with all of you today.
A: They're too fast, right?

S: We're enjoying the quiz!

A: Right? Don't betray me!

A: I'm begging you. Don't just go and get the question right.

M: Huh? Did you make some kind of 'I'll do joke answers this many times" promise?

S: Eh?

M: Like you'll joke around three times and then say the real answer.

S: No that's okay, but... There's a possibility it'll turn into once on air.
M: We don't know that.

And then when it comes to guessing...

S: The rice is pizza flavoured. Pizza flavoured curry.

(Sho's no. 1 fan makes a comeback)
M: Nice. Good job! That was good. That was good just now.

S: I was serious though.

• arashi ni shiyagare, ♥ Aiba Masaki, ! translations, ♥ Sakurai Sho, ♥ Matsumoto Jun, ! gifs

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