That time I died of cute (it happens a lot)

Jan 07, 2016 06:17

This 大ちゃん・大ちゃん (Oh-chan/Dai-chan) PazuDora CM alks;dfjl'asdflj
I love this CM and the people in it, so here it is subbed! Plus it has a pun so that makes it even better!

And since it's so short... (or, as usual with subs on my personal journal)[Click to open]

image You can watch this video on

pw: 大chans

Raw: tomoniwithjump

Tbh, I've had this for several days now because I was debating posting this in jankensuru/jjohnnys comms but that seemed like a lot of spam for a 28 second video.

♠ Arioka Daiki, ! subbed, ♥ Ohno Satoshi

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