[translation] Bay Jump 10/31

Nov 21, 2015 08:11

Often I want to translate little snippets like this but I have no idea where to put them. So uh... here you go.
  • Takaki was Tinkerbell for Halloween last year. They quickly moved on from this topic though.
  • Arioka: What's 4.15? Takaki: I know, because we've always been together. Arioka: Okay tell me. Takaki: Arioka-kun's birthday. Arioka: Whoooeeeiiii~ Takaki: I definitely can't forget. You're not a good kid, but it's good kids' day. [4よ1い5子] Arioka: I'm a good kid.
  • [Things they did during class] Arioka injected his eraser using a mechanical pencil. It has a whole situation.Takaki: It's not just random? Arioka: If it breaks it's dead. Sometimes the lead breaks and there's still some lead in the eraser. From there, I start the operation. It was about how well I could remove the lead with my own hands so that the eraser didn't break. Takaki: Like I know about that! Arioka: I was so busy in class! Takaki: That sounds like fun.
  • Talking about makeup, Arioka mentions Hirunandesu. Takaki: I've never watched it so I wouldn't know. Arioka: Hey! Takaki: I was kidding. Arioka: I've been doing that for a year!

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♠ Takaki Yuya, ! translations, ♠ Arioka Daiki

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