That time MatsuJun ate Vegemite

Nov 08, 2015 20:48

Enjoy a pathetic ten lines of subs from me. As an Australian, I found this way too funny.

Way back when Shiyagare did the Encounter the Unknown segment, MatsuJun learned how to make Eggs Benedict with Australian chef, Matthew Crabbe. His 'secret' ingredient in the hollandaise sauce is the very questionable Vegemite.

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Password: straya

[Read after watching]
For anyone who doesn't know about Vegemite or hasn't tried it, Vegemite is lauded as our country's food but it has a lot of lovers and haters. It basically tastes like pure salt, but we like it anyway. Or, it's why we like it? It's yeast extract, and if that doesn't sound appetising, I don't know what does. Basically the chef was giving the best possible advice when he kept saying, 'just a little'. Haha

• arashi ni shiyagare, ! subbed, ♥ Matsumoto Jun

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