[translation] To Base Snippets - Tsubasa on the Most Princely Johnny's

Sep 25, 2015 11:21

Note: This is bits and pieces so if it's not in quotes, it's paraphrased.

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今井翼的 Best 5
Imai Tsubasa's Best 5
The Johnny's Princes Ranking, According to Imai-san.

It's an eternal theme in Johnny's Jimusho.

"This is fun~ It's like the coach of a baseball team choosing the starting members"

"Princes aren't just looks. I'm including those private faces that I can see because we're in the same agency as well as the little things when choosing. People who hear this might be thinking 'Why?' but I'm giving my genuine opinion.

Let's see... Princes, huh?

I've decided!

Then here I go! So let's start.

First, the fifth one...

Takizawa Hideaki-san. This includes our partner love. Of course, as the Prince position representative of Tackey and Tsubasa."

"His substance is really born in Showa - in a good way, he's a manly man. He's really reliable."

"Continuing, fourth place. Okura Tadayoshi-kun." Okura is graceful, and very kind. "Tacchon is fourth."

"Next, third place. Yamada Ryosuke" He's a good listener, and like Okura, is kind. Which is a main point for being princelike.

"Then next, second place. Aiba Masaki. Well, Aiba-chan is an eternal idol... and an eternal prince. I wonder what it is... Well, I think there's something about his princelyness that envelops him to the point that you could say he's the kindest in Johnny's. What is it, like the way he waves his hand. I think it's really good."


"Then lastly, first place. Everyone's Higashi." みんなの東こと。"Higashiyama Noriyuki-san. That person is really elegant."

"If I were to compare him to a major leaguer, he'd be Ichiro."

"He's a senpai I really respect." His dancing is really sharp and clean.

"Johnny's most princely is Higashi.

... Well, there's definitely one in each group, right? Someone who takes the prince position. That's right."

♠ Takizawa Hideaki, ♠ Imai Tsubasa, ♥ Aiba Masaki, ♠ Higashiyama Noriyuki, ♠ Yamada Ryosuke, ♠ Okura Tadayoshi

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