[translation] Wink Up August 2000

Sep 01, 2015 11:03

I've been doing translations in other fandoms because it's a really fun way to try and learn more words and kanji but until now I haven't done any Arashi for the main reason of - I have no idea what has and hasn't been done (in any other fandom, basically everything has not been translated orz) So rather than trying to choose something no one's done, I just went and got some really early magazine crosstalks to translate xD
So this interview is from 2000, which means still spelling Sakurai's name wrong, Sakurai bullying Matsujun and Ohno bullying Sakurai. They theme of the talk is their ideal ways to spend summer.

This may be filled with errors, but like I said, I'm just trying to learn more. Scan credit to tokei-umbrella

Tell us about your ideal way to spend summer.
Matsumoto: I want to go to Hawaii!
Ohno: Eh~, I don't want to go overseas. I can't speak the language, and it's hot.
Matsumoto: Isn't it fine to go to a cold place then? (laughs)
Ninomiya: No, I understand! Isn't it unpleasant to not speak the language? That's why it's Japan for me. Let's see~ I want to go to Hokkaido!
Aiba: If it's Japan, then Okinawa would be good. I want to go to Miyakojima.
Matsumoto: Well, certainly, Japan isn't bad. But like, aside from Hawaii, I want to go to Africa too.
Sakurai: You said you wanted to go to Hawaii. Which is it!!
Ninomiya: Don't get so angry (laughs)
Matsumoto: Well, Africa...
Sakurai: Then go there! (turns to the other members) Well then~
Everyone: *roar of laughter*
Aiba: So Matsujun's going to India~ (for some reason changing it from Africa)
Ninomiya: I want to go to Hokkaido, so I'm in the Japan faction!
Sakurai: Then, I'm also Japan.
Aiba: For me, it's Miyakojima.
Sakurai: That's Japan, then (laughs). Matsujun, you want to go to India in summer? Or at some point, no matter when is fine?
Matsumoto: Someday. If I have a month long long holiday or something.
Sakurai: Ah, I see. (coldly) That's different to the current theme, you know!
Matsumoto: (sadly) Hahahahaha

It doesn't have to be a place to go to, it can be something you want to do.
Aiba: Then, let's play basketball! It's exactly 5 people, you see.
Sakurai: Is basketball for 5 people?
Matsumoto: It's 6 people, for basketball.
Aiba: (flatly) It's 5 people!
Sakurai: Isn't basketball better the more people you have? (laughs)
Ohno: (absent-mindedly) How about tennis?
Sakurai: That sounds nice!
Matsumoto: But, if it's doubles there's one person too many.
Ohno: (Pointing to Matsujun) Referee.
Matsumoto: I'm the referee? I can't play tennis? (cries)
Ninomiya: For me, baseball's good.
Sakurai: Baseball's boring unless the ball's flying. But if it's tennis, you're always moving around, do you get me?
Ninomiya: But baseball's an adult's sport? Having to wait is mature.
Aiba: Attacks in baseball are interesting! You see, 9 people are protecting one person!?
Sakurai: Certainly, there is compassion!
Ohno: (abruptly) In summer, don't you want to eat hot ramen with all your might?
Sakurai: By the sea? By the sea?
Ohno: Yeah, by the sea or something.
Sakurai: I get you! Shoyu flavour, right?
Ohno: Right.
Sakurai: Things you wouldn't really expect, right? Also, "naruto" is necessary, isn't it!
Ohno: (flatly) That's wrong.
Sakurai: I see... (laughs)

Well then, let's have you announce your ideal summer's day one by one.
Sakurai: Saisho wa guu (Starting janken to determine the speaking order)
Matsumoto: (in winning order) I'll go third!
Sakurai: I'll go fourth
Ninomiya: Eh~, I'll go second. (To a dazed Oh-chan and Aiba-chan) Have you guys done janken?
Sakurai: Ah, they haven't~
Ohno: (Winning against Aiba-chan) First!
Matsumoto: Voluntarily going first!?
Sakurai: Amazing~!!
Ohno: (flustered) What should I do!?
Ninomiya: Didn't you choose first for yourself? (laughs)
Ohno: The best [summer's day] for me is fine, isn't it? Then... I'd wake up in the morning, go to the toilet, and that's how the one day starts. Then, I'd turn on the air conditioning...
Matsumoto: You've only walked about 20 steps so far. (laughs)
Ohno: Then I'd daze off... eat dinner
Matsumoto: Dinner? It's already evening! (laughs)
Sakurai: You woke up in the evening?
Ohno: Night time is when TV thrives, so I'd watch TV, and sleep.
Sakurai: That isn't ideal~! (laughs)
Ninomiya: Rather, isn't that what you always do!? Then it's my turn. I'd wake up in the morning, get changed, wash my face, and with that Ninomiya will go out. But it's one day, right? Okay, I'll go to Hokkaido. Once I've had my fill of playing in nature I'd return to Tokyo... That was Ninomiya's summer with few wishes!
Matsumoto: I'm next, aren't I?
Sakurai: It'd end with you going to India!
Matsumoto: You can't go directly to India, can you?
Sakurai: They've said that midway you change to riding a camel. (laughs)
Matsumoto: Around where do you transfer? ... so to say. The one day would end travelling~ (laughs). Well, that's the India version. The domestic version is, you see, waking up in the morning...
Sakurai: You'll polish shells, make them all shiny, go to a river, swim and it's over! Then, it's me. Let's see, I'll wake up around noon... and study. No, I won't study (laughs). I'll call my friend, go to the sea in my friend's car, go with barbecue tools, return, sleep.
Ninomiya: So don't bring them! (laughs) [TN: ???]
Aiba: I'll go now! I'll wake up earlier than usual and go to the sea. I'll go with a wakeboard, but since I don't have a licence, I can't. (laughs)
Ninomiya: What Aiba-san is trying to say is, he can't because he doesn't have someone who has a licence to steer the boat, that sort of thing. He abbreviated it a bit too much though. (laughs)
Aiba: Then even if before that, I get a boat licence and go to the sea with a wakeboard, I'm alone, so I can't do it... I'll invite someone! How about that?
Ninomiya: Your younger would be fine, your younger brother.
Sakurai: Rather, it's fine for your brother to even pull it directly.
Matsumoto: Since your brother's a wrestler. (laughs)
Aiba: Then, I'll do that. (laughs)

Has there been an ideal way to spend the day so far that you'd like?
Matsumoto: ... There hasn't. (loud laughter)
Aiba: But, I quite did my best with my ideal?
Sakurai: Rather, unless your brother does his best, you can't. (laughs)
Ninomiya: The key point of your ideal summer is your younger brother. (laughs)

Please don't repost the whole thing anywhere. If you quote, please credit 'ihsarafes' or tag me on twitter @mottofreaky :D

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