
Jan 08, 2007 20:42

Okay, I'm in an idiot.. no lie there..

I'd just written this big long rant on my parent's decision to divorce. And then the window closed.  I'm not going to retype it.  But there, I've said it, and in a lot less words, too.  I will just say that I have a lot of decisions to make and right now, it looks like I'm almost definately going to back Chicago, with my mom.

And then, just before I'd screwed up the entry, I was just about to tell all of you about a new love.  As of yesturday morning (about 5:30 am, give or take) Twilight was added to my favorite books list, alongside Harry Potter, of course.  In addition, at about noon today (again, give or take) it's sequal and second in a series, New Moon was on the list.  Stephanie Meyer is the author.  I'd gotten Twilight ages ago, but hadn't gotten around to reading it.. Holy shit.  It was so good, as seen, it only took about five hours to read; the same for it's sequal.  I'm really angry, though, the next book, possibly titled Eclipse isn't due to come out until around August.  The stories are about an accident-prone Phoenix, Arizona girl named Bella who's gone to live with her dad in forever-cloudy Forks, Washington.  The internesting thing about the broing town of Forks, though, is that there is a family of Vampires in residence.  Bella, it turns out, happens to have a unique, but strong, bond to the first "son" to the leader of the family, Edward.  Edward, who was "vampirized" in 1901, and Bella develop a relationship and if I tell you any more, I might have to kill you.  Read them, I order you to.  Now you have to, just because I said so.

Beth has forced me to reread New Moon already.  I started to, but this time will be a lot slower.  O should probably go, because one: I'm cold, and two: I'm watching Stargate. SO ONWARD.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Much Love,
<3 Kayce.

The above is the author's website, if it wasn't at all obvious.

I have an announcement about something that I've just realized:
It has been nearly a month since I've read any fanfiction.  What the Hell is wrong with me?  Don't answer that.

In a little longer than 184 DAYS, the movie Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix will be coming out in theaters.
In a little longer than that, more importantly, 
 will be coming out.  How exciting?

*I really don't like this title.  It doesn't seem a great ending for a series of seven.  However, this might be what JayKay intended.  Perhaps she's writing more.
Unfortunately, she isn't.  Which sucks.  I wasn to read it.  Or I will die.  The end.
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