(no subject)

Nov 08, 2007 16:00

I can't think of a catchy title so this entry just doesn't get one, so there! Yesterday I had a good, upbeat day, today I don't like myself very much. I feel like I am lacking in self control and just feel like I am sinking into the depths of nothing. I It seems like everything I want to do at this moment is not a possibility. I want to talk to Rob, he still doesn't have a cell phone. I want to go to PF Changs with my roomies, I already told my mom I would come over for dinner and I don't really have the money anyways. I want to clean my room, if I start now I won't finish before Dana gets back so we can go work out then I need to shower and head to my moms. The list just goes on! Moments like this make me wish I could be in two places at once, then I could make everyone (including me) happy. 
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